By Danielle Rowe, Director of Advocacy Outreach

We know the statistics. After years of one-party rule, Illinois is inefficient and insolvent. Madigan and his political machine have taxed and spent Illinois families out of their homes and jobs, businesses out of the state, and teachers out of their retirement security.  The question is, can we stop this downward spiral? Can we take the control of the state away from Mike Madigan and Pat Quinn?

The answer is ‘Yes.’ Madigan and his supermajority may be in control of state government, but we are in power. We derive that power from our ability to vote.  In this election, it is within our power to balance out the influence and ideologies that fuel state government.

Illinoisans are not happy with current state policymakers.  A recent We Ask America poll reveals that the Illinois House Speaker has an unfavorable rating of 65 percent, placing him 10 points of negativity above the Governor, who rated 55 percent in a Rasmussen report.

The people who remain in this state are hurting, trapped under the policies of the past decade.  They’re fed up with the political establishment.  The 2014 election should be a slam-dunk for reform-focused candidates and the policies they champion.  So, how do we capitalize on this opportunity?

In a recent commentary, Pat Hughes from The Illinois Opportunity Project challenged reform-minded candidates to be aggressive in promoting their platform. Hughes advised challengers to put opponents on defense.  In order to advance, we must make our opponents explain their advocacy for Illinois’ failed status quo and then present the policy prescription that will restore opportunity and prosperity in this state.

Let’s play to win. We can take the state back from Madigan and his majority by focusing our time, talent and resources on changing the composition of the Illinois House.

In just one election cycle, we can build balance in state government by advocating for and electing leaders who will vigorously and consistently champion the free-market reforms necessary to bring opportunity back to Illinois.

Make an impact. Take action now:

  • Learn – Discover The Illinois Opportunity Project’s legislative solutions via our one-page Issue Briefs, which will bring you up-to-speed fast on the most important issues in Illinois today
  • Connect – Partner with activists from across the state as we work to bring a policy revolution to Springfield
  • Engage – Drive change by contacting legislators using our Take Action Tool at
  • Mobilize – Drive the vote through direct voter contact.
    • Go door-to-door in your neighborhood, or make phone calls to friends and family, advocating for the policy changes you want to see and the candidates who will make them happen. Their campaigns will welcome and train you!
    • Be social. Through digital activism, you can connect with the candidates, activists and advocacy groups who support a policy revolution.  Find Illinois Opportunity Project on Facebook and Twitter.
    • Protect vote integrity by poll-watching or being an election judge, for which you will be trained and paid.

Victory – and the liberty that comes with it – is within our grasp.  Join our Policy Revolution today.  Sign up at

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