By: Katie Clancy, Marketing Communications Manager
Democrat candidate for President, Sen. Elizabeth Warren notoriously created her own tagline “I got a plan for that.” When asked how she’s going to pay for her overreaching, trillion-dollar government takeovers of college education, healthcare, childcare, and everything else she believes would be better handled by the government: Don’t worry, “I’ve got a plan for that.”
Democrats in Springfield have long advocated their own version of Warren’s “I got a plan for that” with, “I got a task force for that.”
The two most glaring issues in Illinois right now are high property taxes and rampant corruption.
Illinois has the second highest property taxes in the nation and what was the response from Springfield? A task force. A task force that has already missed key deadlines and also voted to strike down a motion from Rep. Deanne Mazzochi (R-Westmont) that called for studying the inherent conflict of interests in the property tax system.
According to a Harvard study, Illinois is the second-most corrupt state in the nation and Chicago is the nation’s most corrupt city. If you’re not up to speed, here’s a quick synopsis of the indictments and investigations surrounding Illinois Democrats that have occurred recently:
- Sen. Tom Cullerton was indicted on embezzlement but is still a member of the Senate
- Rep. Luis Arroyo was indicted on corruption and has since resigned
- Sen. Martin Sandoval, the architect of the $45 billion capital plan, has been at the center of federal raids
- Auditor General Frank Mautino has been found guilty of misusing campaign cash, yet he is supposed to be the state’s financial watchdog
- Sen. Van Pelt is under investigation by the Secretary of State’s office for charging people for her investment in cannabis seminars while being a sponsor on the cannabis legalization bill
- Chicago Alderman Ed Burke indicted for shaking down a Burger King owner in his ward for refusing to hire his law firm yet remains a member of Chicago City Council
- Last but not least there have been multiple raids circling Speaker Madigan, his closest confidants, and their ties with ComEd
What is the response from Springfield Democrats to wholesale corruption? An ethics commission. A group of politicians discussing ethics to put off any real reforms and distract from the fact that they have already proven incapable of policing themselves.
House Republican members including Representatives Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield) Tom Morrison (R-Palatine), and Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) have called for a slew of other concrete solutions to combat corruption. Mike Madigan’s response has been typical: appoint members to discuss the issue with furrowed brows, trot out hand-wringing members and spokesmen to repeat responsible sounding words like “accountability” and “honesty.” Meanwhile, hold on to power and slow walk any real reforms until voters’ attention has waned.
What is another task force or commission going to come up with that we don’t already know?
We already know that property taxes are skyrocketing to cover pension payments that politicians have over-promised and underfunded for decades.
We already know that Illinois needs term limits, fair maps, and ethics reforms to keep politicians from garnering too much power.
We already know that it should be illegal to serve as a lobbyist and a legislator.
And we already know there is a problem when the Speaker of the House serves as both the head of the state’s Democratic Party and a property tax appeals lawyer that makes millions by reducing taxes for his wealthy clients.
Families continue to see their property taxes rise, their home values fall, and another $505 million in economic loss due to corruption, while corrupt politicians convey blue-ribbon panels to pretend they care.
If it wasn’t obvious before, Illinois Democrats have made it clear for you: they don’t care about high property taxes, they don’t care about corruption, and they don’t care about you. Your vote, and most importantly, your tax dollars are the means to their political power.
If you are serious about reform, it’s time to elect legislators who will deliver results, accountability, and lower property taxes. Not those like Speaker Madigan who clamor for task forces, plans, and panels to distract from the destructive outcomes of their policies.
How to hold on to political power while destroying the state’s economy and using the state to enrich themselves? Illinois Democrats have a plan for that. They hope that is good enough.