May 18, 2020
Moments ago, the Republicans in the Illinois House and Senate unanimously acted to remove Pritzker’s progressive tax hike from the ballot. Now the General Assembly must take up this resolution.
With families and small businesses hurting during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, now is the worst time to raise taxes. That is why we applaud the members who are fighting to save small businesses and working families from this tax hike. We call on all members to commit to restabilizing our economy and restoring jobs by removing the graduated income tax.
Proponents of the tax are asking you to trust them when they say they will not hike your taxes. But, they broke a similar promise when they made the 2011 temporary tax hike permanent. In truth, this tax hike would cost the typical family of four $3,500 and raise taxes on over 110,000 small businesses.
The graduated income tax was bad for Illinois before the COVID-19 crisis and its results would only be more devastating for Illinois businesses and families in a post-pandemic economy.
Take action and sign the petition and demand the General Assembly removes the graduated income tax from the ballot in November.