Updated as of September 20, 2022
Former Speaker of the House, Michael Madigan
Chicago Alderman Ed Burke
Chicago Alderman Ed Vrdolyak
Chicago Alderman Patrick Daley Thompson
Chicago Alderman Ricardo Muñoz
Chicago Alderman Danny Solis
Chicago Alderman Proco ‘Joe’ Moreno
Chicago Alderman Willie Cochran
Chicago Alderman Mike Zalewski
State Representative Luis Arroyo
Senator Terry Link
Senator Martin Sandoval
Senator Tom Cullerton
Senator Emil Jones III
Former State Representative and Worth Township Supervisor John O’Sullivan
Cook County Commissioner and McCook Mayor Jeff Tobolski
Patrick Doherty, former chief of staff for Cook County Commissioner Jeff Tobolski
Crestwood Mayor Lou Presta
Former Markham Mayor David Webb
Former Gubernatorial Candidate and State Senator Sam McCann
Paris City Councilman Steve Kemper
Alorton Mayor Jo Ann Reed
Columbia Mayor Kevin Hutchinson
Bloomingdale Township Road District Highway Commissioner Robert Czernek
Chicago Alderwoman Carrie Austin (and her Chief of Staff)
Former Mayor of Oak Brook Terrace, Anthony Ragucci
Other notable non-politicians
Madigan confidant and former State Representative Mike McClain
Former Madigan Chief of Staff Tim Mapes
Former ComEd Vice President Fidel Marquez
Former ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore
ComEd Vice President of external affairs John Hooker
ComEd Lobbyist Jay Doherty
Local Teamsters President John Coli