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Protect Our Elections and STOP Ranked-Choice Voting in Illinois
Ranked-choice voting will disenfranchise your vote and disrupt our election system.
Sign here to stop Ranked-Choice Voting from happening in Illinois and protect your vote.
Use the hashtag #StopRCV to allow the coalition to find your content faster!
Why Ranked-Choice Voting Is Bad for Illinois Residents
The politicians and special interests in Chicago and Springfield want to control our elections and bring ranked-choice voting to Illinois. They want more power over who represents you and your family’s values.
Ranked-choice voting is meant to confuse residents and does not ensure that every vote counts.
Proponents of ranked-choice voting claim it is a more democratic system. What’s democratic about forcing you to rank a candidate that you have ZERO policy agreements to ensure your ballot doesn’t get thrown out? Yes, THROWN OUT.
Your vote matters. Thank you for joining our efforts to protect the integrity of our elections and oppose ranked-choice voting.
Botched Ranked-Choice Voting Examples
An Oakland School Board candidate was declared victor after NINE rounds of vote tabulation.
Two whole months AFTER the election.
To make matters worse, they declared the wrong winner and next steps are still being deliberated in the County Court system.
48 candidates, including Santa Claus, threw their hat in the ring to fill the seat of a Congressman, who passed away, in the open Primary. Leaving voters with very little quality information and ensuing debate in the process. After four of these candidates were voted to advance, one passed away, and they did not include the fifth place finisher in the General Election (Santa Claus finished in 6th place).
In a race of three, 60% of voters voted for a Republican, but because a lot of them didn’t rank a second candidate, the Democrat candidate was able to surge ahead. A majority wanted a Republican to win, yet the seat is now held by a Democrat.
If you don’t play the complex game, then your vote is at risk of being thrown out.
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