November 8, 2023
By: Katie Clancy
In what should be a very busy veto session in Springfield with Invest in Kids Scholarships hanging in the balance, high inflation, and exorbitant taxpayer funded medical costs for migrants piling up, Illinois’ leaders seem more focused on the election results in different states.
Speaker Chris Welch tweeted:
“Ohio enshrined the right to choose in the state constitution. Kentucky re-elected a pro-choice Democratic governor. Virginia Democrats kept the Senate AND flipped the House. This is what happens when we come together to stand for women’s rights and equality for all.”
Pritzker isn’t even in Illinois. He’s in Florida trolling for media hits ahead of the Republican Presidential Debate. While he can’t be bothered to help the 9,500 low-income students whose futures hang in the balance, Pritzker made time to tweet about the Issue 1 victory, that in simple terms, enshrines the right to abortion in the Ohio constitution:
“This victory reminds us that reproductive rights are a cornerstone of personal freedom
and autonomy.”
These two politicians and many others preach about freedom, choice, and equality when it comes to a woman’s right to an abortion. But when it comes to the freedom, choices, and equality for families who want better educational opportunities for their families, they choose to stifle those very principles.
The Heritage Foundation just released a report that ranks Illinois in the bottom half of the country when it comes to educational freedom. Last month, ALEC gave Illinois an “F” for educational freedom.
The freedoms prioritized by the politicians in Illinois are solely for political purposes.
It benefits them greatly to tout unrestricted abortion rights but hurts them politically with their allies in the teachers union to empower families with the right to choose the best school that fits their child’s individual needs.
In order for true freedom and equality to be achieved in Illinois, families no matter their income or status in society should have the same educational opportunities as the children of wealthy and well-connected politicians like Governor Pritzker and Speaker Welch.
Contact your legislators urging them to bring the Invest in Kids Act up for a floor vote: